The following information is neither astute, defined as absolute fact, or particularly useful, which may make it interesting:
The above hieroglyphic was found in a Pharaoh’s tomb just outside Cairo in 1897, dating back approximately 3 thousand years to the Westside Sinai Plumbers’ Convention. Its’ intrinsic worth to the ancient Egyptians was portrayed by its simple setting: it was inscribed on a clear wall approximately 18’ x 10’ in an otherwise festive and treasure-cluttered tomb. The figures were life size. There was a small advertisement in the lower right-hand corner advertising a local dentist/blacksmith. Scholars debated the meaning and/or definition of the emblematic design since the moment of its discovery: speculation and theories ran the spectrum from two Egyptian gods holding up the world to an all-knowing eye conjoined with twin very-slender human appendages. In the 1970s a new theory arose purporting the design to be 2 space aliens joined by a mother ship, or 2 waiters carrying a plate with a perfectly round lima bean on it. Last year, during a conjuring of heated thoughts and words at a crowded convention rumpus room in Albany, New York, filled with anthropologists, biologists, other scientists and dentists, the mystery was solved when an off-duty janitor walked in, pointed with a crooked finger at the emblematic figures, and said: “Hey, I know what that is. Its two men walking abreast. My wife has two of them.” With that mystery solved the world now debates what did the janitor mean by “two of them?” Two breasts? Two men? Two husbands? Two aliens? What????? Dammit to all: what?!!!
A carbuncle is a roiled mass of skin or a beautiful gem. The incredible gem is pictured in the logo below and at the bottom of the short story section...
Kevin O'Kendley is the owner of Carbuncle Moon, and the author of all original material -- cartoons, blogs, shorts, essays, articles -- on the website (there has been a very limited editorial input in some of my work). All quoted sources are noted. I am responsible for all posts. The only blogs not time-dated are those advertising nonprofits. All nonprofits are vetted, investigated, though after the summer of 2018 my vetting has lapsed: (6/1/21).
Kevin O'Kendley: P.O. Box 172, Winterport, Maine, 04496, and 200 P Street, A-32, Sacramento, California, 95814, [email protected]. Technical help is provided by an evolving computer genius, my son, Conor O'Kendley: A good kid with a great heart who can be reached at P.O. Box 172, Winterport, Maine, 04496. (Conor is in the Navy now, a swabby) Photography provided by a visual artist, my daughter, Caitlin O'Kendley: a young woman with a beautiful soul. (Caitlin is in college now, a media-journalism student) If your nonprofit is advertised on this site and you wish to have it removed please contact me at the above listed snail-mail or email address or use the contact form on the website. If you download a blog, cartoon, a short story -- or for any other reason -- and wish to donate $ to this site, its author and technical support personnel, please send donations to above listed addresses payable to Kevin O'Kendley. My family and I could use the dinero. All cartoons, blogs, and short stories are for sale. Categories |