My apologies to Tom Waits for the use of "come down off that cross we can use the wood" line...
added: 4/29 4/19/15 was the twenty-first anniversary of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Courthouse bombing where 168 people were murdered, 19 of whom were children under 6*. The Oklahoma City Bombing was the second worst terrorist attack in American history. The bombing was a domestic act of terror. Timothy McVey, an army veteran, was executed as a result of the bombing. * Wikipedia Please give to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation: PO Drawer 498/ Emmitsburg, Maryland, 21727/ 301-447-1365
April 24th was the 101st anniversary of Medz Yeghern, the Armenian Holocaust, considered the first modern-era genocide, wherein up to 1.5 million* Armenian children, women, and men were systematically murdered by elements of the Ottoman Empire, executed and/or died on a death march from Armenia south through Turkey and from there down into the Syrian desert.
The Ottoman Empire ceased to exist at the end of the Greco-Turkish War and World War I, what physically remains is today the Republic of Turkey. *Wikipedia/New York Times (adapted from last year's post) Please give to UNICEF/ U.S. Fund, Children First/ 125 Maiden Lane/ New York, New York, 10038/ 800-367-5437 Poverty can be both the inspiration and ruination of dreams but the tipping point is at the heart of a nation. (posted earlier/see short story section: Poverty by Kevin O'Kendley) Please give to Operation Smile/ 3641 Faculty Boulevard/ Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23453/ 888-677-6453 Happy Passover... Passover begins at nightfall today: Jews "celebrate Passover for seven days (or eight, if they're traditional Jews living outside of Israel)" on "the first month of the Hebrew calendar year.” - It is the year 5776 in the Hebrew Calendar. History of Passover: “God sent Moses to warn the Egyptian pharaoh to let the Israelites go free, following generations of slavery." The pharaoh "refuses Moses’ appeal," so "streams were turned to blood; frogs swarmed over Egypt; pests infested the land; wild animals brought destruction, and more. After each plague, there was another warning. The tenth was the worst of all: All Egyptian first-born sons were killed." As the Egyptian army closed in on the escaping Israelites "Moses was told by God to lift his staff, causing the (Red Sea) to split" allowing the Jews to pass. "The Egyptians who chased after drowned in their wake.” - International Business Times Please give to the Jewish World Service/ 45 West 36th Street, 11th Floor/ New York, New York, 10018/ 212-792-2900 Another paranoid wacko not under surveillance.
posted earlier/adapted c. O'Kendley 2016 Please support the Natural Resources Council of Maine: 3 Wade Street/ Augusta, Maine 04330/ 207-622-3101 A feminist.
posted earlier/adapted c. O'Kendley 2016 Please support the National Organization for Women, 1100 H Street NW, Suite 300, Washington DC, 20005/ 202-628-8669 cartoon posted earlier.
Please give to the American Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: 6201 Florin-Perkins Road/ Sacramento, California, 95828/ 916-383-7387/ and: 424 East 92nd Street/ New York, New York, 10128/ 212-876-7700 ext 4120 In America: as human beings we are equals; we all have value, we all have worth. It's not always that simple but it is always that noble.
Let us be who we are -- Baptist, Jew; black, white; gay, straight -- in peace whenever possible and by law always. Please support the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California: 39 Drumm Street/San Francisco, California, 94111/ 415-621-2493 Please give to the American Legion: near Moffat Field; 347 First Street/ Los Altos, California, 94022/ 605-941-0234/ and: 25 Industrial Park Road/ Boothbay, Maine, 04537/ 207-633-4487 Due to the twisted work of a psychotic barber in Phoenix Joe looked like the only tree in the desert. ![]() c. O'Kendley 2016 The Father of the FBI may have actually been the mother...
c. O'Kendley 2016 Please give to the University of California Davis Children's Hospital/ 2315 Stockton Boulevard/ Sacramento, California, 95817/ 916-734-2011 |
A carbuncle is a roiled mass of skin or a beautiful gem. The incredible gem is pictured in the logo below and at the bottom of the short story section...
Kevin O'Kendley is the owner of Carbuncle Moon, and the author of all original material -- cartoons, blogs, shorts, essays, articles -- on the website (there has been a very limited editorial input in some of my work). All quoted sources are noted. I am responsible for all posts. The only blogs not time-dated are those advertising nonprofits. All nonprofits are vetted, investigated, though after the summer of 2018 my vetting has lapsed: (6/1/21).
Kevin O'Kendley: P.O. Box 172, Winterport, Maine, 04496, and 200 P Street, A-32, Sacramento, California, 95814, [email protected]. Technical help is provided by an evolving computer genius, my son, Conor O'Kendley: A good kid with a great heart who can be reached at P.O. Box 172, Winterport, Maine, 04496. (Conor is in the Navy now, a swabby) Photography provided by a visual artist, my daughter, Caitlin O'Kendley: a young woman with a beautiful soul. (Caitlin is in college now, a media-journalism student) If your nonprofit is advertised on this site and you wish to have it removed please contact me at the above listed snail-mail or email address or use the contact form on the website. If you download a blog, cartoon, a short story -- or for any other reason -- and wish to donate $ to this site, its author and technical support personnel, please send donations to above listed addresses payable to Kevin O'Kendley. My family and I could use the dinero. All cartoons, blogs, and short stories are for sale. Categories |