Happy Father's Day:
Father Time is the mother of all action figures: Becoming a house husband can be a close second but not if you don't let it -- New to the job? Let it be known that if invited to a Tupperware Party you'll be wearing a hardhat and kilts. Real Scotsmen don't wear underwear under their kilts. If a real tough mother does invite you over she won't let you sit down anywhere or at least not on a white or light colored couch. I've been waiting fourteen years for a Tupperware Party invitation. Guess what? You're right. I never got one. So, once you got that out of the way you can call yourself anything you want because this is America. One of the things I call myself is: writer. Here's some other job descriptions you can use: If you're changing diapers: Waste Disposal Engineer. Ever write a check? Property Manager. Brush the dog: Dog Groomer. Make toast: Electronics Engineer. Change the oil in your twenty-year-old car: Auto Mechanic. A week late on your taxes: Tax Resister. See where I'm going with this. You are not a househusband you're Captain of the Bridge, the fate of all civilization is in your hands. Really. You are helping to raise a child or children that may never start a war, that might cure cancer, or become president, or someone that will be happy and live a full life. So, when you're in your Soccer Dad Car and you see a beautiful woman speed by on a Harley you can forget about your plethora of job titles now and again (you're only human), but never forget that a father by any other name is still a father by any other name. Happy Father's Day: Pat, Dick, Jack, Bill, Billy, Jim, Steven, Jackie, Bret, Larry, Mathew, Bob, Merrill, Eric, Dean, and in memory of: Lloyd, Gary, Orlin, Dick G., Ralph, and Bernard.
“In Congress, um, I argued that if a single drunk and naked white man falls into a snow bank he might not be found until the spring thaw but if he falls into the snow with a naked black woman they could well be rescued before succumbing to exposure, or at least spotted from the air before spring. Of course some Congressmen were outraged that I would suggest that a naked black woman was somehow superior in a snow bank to a drunken, naked white man, which -- alas -- wasn’t what I meant: I meant that sometimes it’s better to work together, better to merge inherent strengths in individuals so as to survive accidents and foolishness or just to make some things, ah, like life and our country evolve in better ways.” "The marketplace of ideas and ideals is exclusionary only in a society of suicides: in a healthy and dynamic society any human being’s ideas have both intrinsic and free market value; the former is of immense worth, sanctified within a culture of liberty, freedom, and equality, and the latter is of viable and active worth, each supportive of the other. While the first goes to the soul of a nation the other, uh, is a drivin force of pragmatic and creative survival."
Happy Puerto Rican Day: "As New York’s annual Puerto Rican Day Parade moved along Fifth Avenue, voters on the home island cast ballots overwhelmingly endorsing statehood. The Associated Press reported that nearly half a million votes were cast for statehood, but the participation rate was just 23%, leading opponents to question the validity of the vote." - USA Today Yesterday was Gay Pride Day: "Thousands of revelers, some waving rainbow flags symbolizing gay rights, crowded Washington streets on Saturday for the city's gay pride parade in an annual party that saw anti-corporate protesters briefly block its route." - Lacey Johnson/ Reuters Please give to St. Jude's Hospital: Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105/ 800-822-6344 “Yep, when I was a kid we grew em from puppies, you know washin machines and refrigerators, dryers, and when they were fat and all growed we sold them off to places like Sears, Maytag, Kenmore. We had a successful little appliance farm, y’know -- near Shirley Mills, Maine. Yank ingenuity.” “It was rumored that some sailors, when slightly intoxicated, had a -- well -- a difficult time undoin the 13 buttons on the old dress uniforms to safely urinate, and sometimes had, uh, accidents. So, to modernize the Navy in the 70s, Admiral Zumwalt ordered all swabbies to wear khaki uniforms with zippers; like the Chiefs wore. However, it became apparent that, uh, with this convenience a much more serious problem developed and unwanted pregnancies skyrocketed from Hong Kong to Kansas. So the Navy went back to the old bell-bottoms.”
(both cartoons edited on 6/11) Please give to the Shriner's Hospitals: 2425 Stockton Boulevard/ Sacramento, California 95817/ 916-453-2000/ And: 3551 North Broad Street/ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19140/ 215-430-4000 “Armed assailants, including some disguised as women, stunned Iran on Wednesday with brazen attacks on the Parliament building and the tomb of its revolutionary founder, the worst terrorist strike to hit the Islamic republic in years.
“At least 12 people were killed and 46 were wounded in the near-simultaneous assaults, which lasted for hours, clearly took Iran’s elite security forces by surprise and shattered the self-proclaimed image of calm in a turbulent region.” - New York Times (6/7/17) The constant horror of the murder of innocent people is numbing but always tragic, monstrous. I’m sorry for the people of Iran’s loss… Please give to the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Al Satwa, Dubai/ P.O. Box 2330 Dubai/ +971 4 3440250 D-Day:
“In the early morning hours of D-Day, June 6, 1944, Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France, to liberate Europe from Hitler’s Germany. “Nine allied nations, consisting of over 150,000 troops, assembled on the beach that day. They were met with heavy resistance from German troops, who were waiting on top of nearby cliffs.” “By daylight, the beach was under Allied control.” “Allied forces suffered nearly 10,000 casualties, and more than 4,000 were dead by the end of the battle.” – ABC News/ Justin Ryan Gomez “Over 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded or went missing during the Battle of Normandy. This figure includes over 209,000 Allied casualties, with nearly 37,000 dead amongst the ground forces and a further 16,714 deaths amongst the Allied air forces.” – Google/ D-Day Museum Battle of Normandy: June 6, 1944 – August 25, 1944 - New World Encyclopedia Please give to the Veteran's Assistance Foundation, Incorporated: 304 E. Veterans Street/ Tomah, Wisconsin 54660/ 608-372-1280. “My father was an American mutt, a good man. His first name was Otis. He, uh, was named after King Otis of Lafaria. The King had eighteen wives but that’s not what killed him. He was killed when an old duck fell outta the sky and hit him on the head -- that’s why in Lafaria when somethin’s goin for your head, like a rock, a bee, y’know an object of some kind, people say, ‘Duck!’ That’s how that whole thing got started. We say duck in America now.”
Please give to the A.L.S. Association-Lou Gehrig's Disease: 1275 K Street NW/ Suite 250/ Washington DC 20005/ 202-407-8580 “Police fired an 'unprecedented' 50 bullets to kill the three London Bridge terrorists because they believed the attackers were wearing suicide belts, the country's head of counter-terrorism said.
Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said a member of the public also received a gunshot wound in the hail of bullets from the eight officers. Seven people were killed and 48 injured in the attack on Saturday, with 21 fighting for their lives in hospital. Twelve people have been arrested in connection with the atrocity after an armed raid in Barking, East London. A further raid has also taken place in East Ham.” - The Telegraph It is Ramadan, one of Islam’s holiest times of the year: Muslims fast, pray, contemplate God – Allah – study the Quran, practice charity and generosity. To commit such cruel, violence upon the innocent would be sacrilegious to Islam. - (some information from Vox Explainers) (edited 6/6) “Muslims are also instructed to refrain from sinful behavior that may negate the reward of fasting, such as false speech (insulting, backbiting, cursing, lying, etc.) and fighting except in self-defense.” - Wikipedia I'm sorry for the British people's loss, for the continuing tragic mass murders of the innocent... (6/9/17) Please give to the British Red Cross: 28 Worple Road/ Wimbleton, London, SW19 4EE, United Kingdom/ 020 8944-0246/ [email protected] “Ermal Frazee of Ohio invented the first pull tab or pop top way back in 1959. The pull tab, which separated from the can, caused an environmental catastrophe -- millions of little glitterin metal teardrops all over the country. Cows would eat grass with pull tabs in it. Anyone old enough to remember drinking a glass of milk and swallowin a metal pull tab won’t soon forget it. Pull tabs are still being excreted in some metropolitan areas like Pittsburgh, Boise, Ogden, and Fort Lauderdale. Fortunately, uh, the nightmare of this horrendous litter was solved by the pop top, which stays in the can as returnable green assets. This type of consumer friendly unit or can as it is called in the United States -- except in South Boston where the can is a jail or jail cell, er, or in Des Moines where the can is a hopper or toilet -- is still used by beer and soda companies but not, uh, milk farmers, all over the world. Semper Fi.” Please give to Marine Toys For Tots Foundation: National Processing Center/ P.O. Box 4002896/ Des Moines, IA 50340 “A massive bomb hidden in a sewage tanker has exploded in the centre of Afghanistan's capital during the morning rush hour, killing at least 80 people, wounding hundreds and damaging embassy buildings.
“The explosion — one of the deadliest in Kabul — came at the start of the holy month of Ramadan, shattering windows and blowing doors off their hinges in houses hundreds of metres away.” - ABC News (5/31/17) I’m sorry for the Afghan people’s horrific suffering and loss… Happy Ramadan: Ramadan began on the evening of Friday, May 26, and ends on the evening of Saturday, June 24. - Google Please see Carbuncle Moon post: 6/14/16: "Ramadan..." Please give to Afghan Red Crescent Society: 5th District Afshar e Sillo Qargha Road, Headquarter Office/ Kabul/ P.O. Box 3066/ Shar Naw/ Kabul/ +93799652893/ [email protected] Correspondence: English |
A carbuncle is a roiled mass of skin or a beautiful gem. The incredible gem is pictured in the logo below and at the bottom of the short story section...
Kevin O'Kendley is the owner of Carbuncle Moon, and the author of all original material -- cartoons, blogs, shorts, essays, articles -- on the website (there has been a very limited editorial input in some of my work). All quoted sources are noted. I am responsible for all posts. The only blogs not time-dated are those advertising nonprofits. All nonprofits are vetted, investigated, though after the summer of 2018 my vetting has lapsed: (6/1/21).
Kevin O'Kendley: P.O. Box 172, Winterport, Maine, 04496, and 200 P Street, A-32, Sacramento, California, 95814, [email protected]. Technical help is provided by an evolving computer genius, my son, Conor O'Kendley: A good kid with a great heart who can be reached at P.O. Box 172, Winterport, Maine, 04496. (Conor is in the Navy now, a swabby) Photography provided by a visual artist, my daughter, Caitlin O'Kendley: a young woman with a beautiful soul. (Caitlin is in college now, a media-journalism student) If your nonprofit is advertised on this site and you wish to have it removed please contact me at the above listed snail-mail or email address or use the contact form on the website. If you download a blog, cartoon, a short story -- or for any other reason -- and wish to donate $ to this site, its author and technical support personnel, please send donations to above listed addresses payable to Kevin O'Kendley. My family and I could use the dinero. All cartoons, blogs, and short stories are for sale. Categories |